vusi, I hate to be a killjoy but unless one of them is blown changing those fuses is not going to do anything but waste your money. Go guy some music! I have a 30/12 by the way.
Vusi- I’m a huge proponent, when it comes to experimenting with various upgrades/components and trusting in one’s own ears, to determine efficacy. Virtually nothing in my systems, has ever remained in a stock configuration, through the last four-five decades, based on various scientific/electrical theories, some choose to ignore. Even so; I have no reason to believe changing the fuses, in a turntable’s power supply, would result in an audible improvement. If you want to explore the possibility, at a much lower cost than HI-FI Tuning’s best; Parts Connexion is selling the Classic Gold fuses, steeply discounted. They were the first, that I’d tried in my equipment, years ago and did provide obvious, audible improvements. An inexpensive way to satisfy your curiosity: |