I don't have audiophile ambitions. I'm thrilled where I am.
Not sure why you’re here then, but if this is true then just stop — stop right now and enjoy what you have because if you actually care about good sound, once you hear what better systems can offer there’s no going back for you and you’ll become one of “us,” forever. Because it never goes away, like herpes.
If you doubt the veracity of my words, take a trip out to Verona, NJ with some of your favorite music and go see Johnny Rutan at Audio Connection. There you can listen to some Vandersteen or ProAc, etc. speakers driven by some Quicksilver, Audio Research, Belles, or other nice electronics. Then you’ll go home and listen to the same music on your system and “thrilled” will likely no longer apply ever again. Or you can just stop now and live a happy and content life in a blissful musical ignorance. If you do decide to ruin your life forever and hit Audio Connection — whenever conditions permit of course — I may meet you there as I’m in Jersey and it’s been almost a decade so I’m well overdue for a visit. Cheers.