TRL Marantz Sa-14

After speaking to Paul at TRL I am very curious to hear from those who own this unit what improvements do you hear with the player before and after the mod.

The SA-14 sounds weak in the bass and has no dynamics in comparison to some players like the Sony Scd-1 in stock form. Has anyone compared the TRL Sa-14 to the Sony Scd-1?


Did you pay a good price for your Marantz 9500? I like the Universal aspect and with the TRL mod, I assume the Video section will remain intact.

If you have a source for that player (the gold finish sounds fascinating) please email me directly.

Audioezra: Thank you for your observations. Since my first TRL mod (a Sony 775) I, too, have quit playing back my 2 track production masters, which I used to consider the "absolute" sound. Since your system is not listed, could you please list your system components? I whole heartedly agree with your assessment of the integrity of the TRL team. And considering that their price for all of their mods are just $550, I feel they are providing the best bargain in audio, ever.

La45: Hey Cuz. I hope that you are able to track down the source. Thanks Lou, for your efforts.

Jsala: I've owned Paul's FIM/CRL Gold and Silver power cords in the past and they do require some break in time. There is a lot of mass there to break in, be patient. BTW, what is the rest of your system? Solid state or tube? Speakers? Just wondering ...
Brilliantly said, regarding Paul at TRL. I couldn't agree more. I've never had a more comfortable and confidence inspiring exchange in audio. You should get some of the recordings he has done. They are the software version of his mods. :-)


Hello guys,
Paul told me that my player should be shipped out today. Since I live in East Coast, it will most likely take 4-5 business days to arrive. Paul only got to try out its component out I believed, by which he is not impressed when he compares to a TRL mod DVDO iscan. However, he didn't get to try out 720P/1080i HDMI output. Since my player is originally 220V, a mod in PS section must also take place. Because of that, I presume the video portion should be improved by that mod to an unknown extent. I will probably have an access to a Chrisite LX+58 in a few months. I will report back when I get to see the picture projected on a 10ft screen. For the time being, it will reside in my 2-ch rig serving as a dedicated SA/CD source.

Since I will be leaving next Friday to LA for 3 weeks, I will most likely put the player on repeat for 3 weeks! :) By the time I come back, the magical 500hr will be reached. Hopefully the player won't go up in flame! :P Yes, I will miss all the burn-in fun.

I am also trying to locate a used set of HT Cyberlight Wave. If anyone has experience using this set of ICs with TRL players, please inform me.

Thanks for the feedback. Besides DV9500, Denon 5910 was the next universal player on my list. For people who are more into video than sound, I think Denon 5910 would be a great mod candidate with great potential. Does any videophile have one and would like to send it in for Paul to mod? :)

As always happy listening and enjoy the music,
Howard, do enjoy your TRL 9500! We all here talk about audio but I understand that it is one of the best video players you can buy. I have a 220v model too. I did not know that it could be converted from 220v->110v. Its just 4 months old and it is region-free (plays all DVDs) but I'm going to sell it since I don't watch many movies and I'd rather stick with my already modded SA14 for audio.

Jack, I have a tube pre-amp (Joule Electra LA100 Mk3), a digital amp (Acoustic Reality eAR Two, 250 watts/channel), nOrh 9.0 speakers (the one with Scanspeak Relevator drivers and a marble cabinet) and an ACI Force powered sub.

I'm a believer in power conditioning, so the pre-amp and amp run off a Blue Circle Music Ring balanced power supply. The SA14 runs off a separate balanced power supply (from Bolder Cable). I am using 3 parallel power conditioners -- 2 Blue Circle Noisehound Mk 3 and a friend's Quantum Symphony Pro. The pre and the 2 balanced power supplies use Bolder Cable Nitro PCs (the one on the Blue Circle has a bybee filter). The amp uses a matching Acoustic Reality power cord.

Rounding off the system is a set of Echobuster room treatments. I am thinking of getting 1-2 "seams" from 8th Nerve to further treat the room where the wall and ceiling meet.