Focal Kanta No 2

Would anyone be in support of upgrading from Kef Q-750's to the beautiful Focal Kanta No2's? I can't keep my eyes off of them and looking for forever (for now) speakers. Currently running Evo400 Integrated, which to my understanding should power them off of the EL34's without a problem. I'm not too sure if there is a dealer in my near vicinity to hear in person. The Kanta No 2's are actually above my price range so I'm not looking to go any higher. Thoughts/concerns? 
@craigjacoby I actually communicated with upscale on Saturday. I was told there was no need to even upgrade tubes to run my Kanta's. Inwas told EL34's can run them no problem and I will only need to upgrade to kt88, 120, 150's if I desired. But some of these comments are giving me pause as to power requirements. The Evo 400 will most certainly work with the Kanta's, but is there enough power to get the full experience with headroom? This is my new concern and can't thank the posts calling this out. 
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Hi all, I have listened to the Kanta 2s and they did sound pretty good. The Sopra 2s did sound much cleaner and bigger though, of course they’re much more expensive as well.

Can anyone advice how the Focals compare to the new Klipsch Cornwall 4s? I did have an opportunity to listen to the Klipsch Forte 3D and the high end was gorgeous but a bit disjointed overall.

Haven’t had a chance to listen to the new Cornwalls though. Am very curious about how they compare to the Kanta 2s or even the Sopra?
I just purchased the Kanta 2’s in taupe at a deep discount online from TMR. The combination of the Focals and the Peimaluna are as close to perfection as you can get for the money. Check out Upscale Audio’s Kevin’s Deal video reviews on Youtube. I’m amazed by the sound and they sure do look great.