Thumbs up for ultrasonic record cleaning

My Cleaner Vinyl ultrasonic record cleaner arrived today and it’s impressive.

Everything I’d read indicated that ultrasonic was the way to go, and now I count myself among the believers. Everything is better - records are quieter, less ticks and pops, more detail etc.

All my records had been previously cleaned with a vacuum record cleaner and were well cared for. Nonetheless, the difference is obvious and overwhelmingly positive.

Well I'm pretty damn happy now. I realized one thing I never did at all, especially between, fluid changes was to wash out my filters. Now, I unhook from the US cleaner, put that hose into a new gallon jug of distilled, and let that run through into an empty tank. Takes under a minute.

I've in my 4th week in the latest fluid cloudy water, no discolored water.
@antinn ,  Thanks for that Tiger-Cloth recommendation. I'll try some as soon as I can get it. Do you cut it into strips? Or patches?

Also, thanks for that note on cleaning with alcohols. I was preaching that 5 years ago, but got tired - anyway, you give it more weight.
@terry9 ,

I cut a piece from the main cloth about 4" x 6".  Otherwise, if curious the paper/manual I addressed previously is now published and you can download here:

The Tiger-Cloth arrived last week. Wonderful!  Soft, adsorbent, easy to use. Can't imagine doing without.

Thanks !