There are some DREADFUL albums listed here!
" I love Steely Dan, and I have read that some members here even like this one, but their album Gaucho is a snorefest."
bob540-I have for the longest time tried to like that album. That album seems to be a "must have" for some reason, especially audiogeeks. It has the "80’s sound" which I lump in with the awful "smooth Jazz" which also became popular. SD to me is pre Aja, though I still enjoy pulling out my AB1006 "stamper" copy now and then.
Six Pence None the Richer-OUCH!another band in the dead zone(1980-present). I found the Seattle scene the only genre that saved the period.
Kajagogo- my girlfriend at the time, had a little sister who was in love with Lamahl. I was in a serious "Classic R&R" mourning period. All my heroes were getting old and stale.
Comments on noted albums-
I take offense to Who’s Live at Leeds getting the thumbs down. Perhaps it wasn’t played LOUD enough?
Keith Moon- yeah, just bad.
King Crimson-I have a plain old domestic press and kept in context, sounds good. Just proves its the pressing, and a crapshoot.
Victim of Love- What the heck happened after GYBR?
Stones- I gave it some time to warm up to it. Compare it to their 80’s run, then it clicks.
" I love Steely Dan, and I have read that some members here even like this one, but their album Gaucho is a snorefest."
bob540-I have for the longest time tried to like that album. That album seems to be a "must have" for some reason, especially audiogeeks. It has the "80’s sound" which I lump in with the awful "smooth Jazz" which also became popular. SD to me is pre Aja, though I still enjoy pulling out my AB1006 "stamper" copy now and then.
Six Pence None the Richer-OUCH!another band in the dead zone(1980-present). I found the Seattle scene the only genre that saved the period.
Kajagogo- my girlfriend at the time, had a little sister who was in love with Lamahl. I was in a serious "Classic R&R" mourning period. All my heroes were getting old and stale.
Comments on noted albums-
I take offense to Who’s Live at Leeds getting the thumbs down. Perhaps it wasn’t played LOUD enough?
Keith Moon- yeah, just bad.
King Crimson-I have a plain old domestic press and kept in context, sounds good. Just proves its the pressing, and a crapshoot.
Victim of Love- What the heck happened after GYBR?
Stones- I gave it some time to warm up to it. Compare it to their 80’s run, then it clicks.