Is being an audiophile a disease?

I’m new to this audio world. I bumped into this video and it explains a lot.

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xraysmtb1
OCD, oh yea.. disease no, disorder yes. The old Corner horns, cost a fortune today, Garrard 301 and old Victrola.. I have 2 of the 3....If you have all 3 then head for the hospital..

Another thing, there is no garbage cans in a true audio nutters house, piles maybe, but no dumping.. That’s the stuff some other nut job is gonna try to fix.. Geeeezzz

An audiophile love music but gives some thoughts to take care of the 3 embeddings of his audio system: the mechanical resonant field, the electrical field of the house, and the acoustical field of the room...

Compulsive buying and upgrades are a disease increased by disinformation in the marketing of electronic components and promoted in most audio forums...

Creating Hi-Fi experience cost peanuts if we learn to embed our already relatively good audio system...

It is fun, more simple than you thought, and we dont need to be an engineer at all, it is even better if you dont are one.... :)

The reason why is simple: the acoustic dimension of a room is way more important and impactful than the electronical design of an amplifier or even of speakers....In the video someone say: "machine more sensitive than the ears they play to"... 

Being an audiophile is not a disease, not being able to separate head from ass is one..... :)
That was a great video....its like 70 years old ...WOW....everything true ,just like
It's called GAS -- Gear Acquisition Syndrome. It is rampant in other industries as well -- or else, I wouldn't currently own 57 F-mount lenses and 10 F-mount bodies (not to mention all the ones I no longer own). There is always something that is just a little better or a little different that might make a big difference in the outcome. Expensive cables, anyone? Yeah, right.