How Do You Live The Audiophile Life

I don’t really have the credentials to be on Audiogon. Kef Q150s and new NAD equipment that replaced my stalwart Arcam Solo. Maybe I can peek over the fence.
So I’ve have a question about the new equipment. I’m browsing the forums, looking for an answer. I know as much as about audio as anyone who isn’t an audiophile. But I was astonished at the number of brands I’d never heard of. And I know the price of the stuff I have heard of.
I’m in NYC. Maybe there’s five high-end dealers here. I’m guessing that number drops off quickly once you cross the Hudson.
This is a long winded way to ask how you live the audiophile life? How do you get access to this stuff? I’d want to hear something before dropping a car-like sum on it. Do you buy blind? Do you travel? Go to the industry shows? Help me, teach me, inform me.
I guess this question applies to speakers as well. Maybe more so. But I was in the amplifier section so . . .
alfa, I think that is the Impossible Dream...

If we knew Then what we know Now....this conversation wouldn't be occcuring in all likelyhood.  And perhaps everyone else would be subject to that knowledge as well....

"Another fine mess we'd get ourselves into!" paraphase, loosely...;)

Well enough left alone for conjecture.....*s*
asvjerry.... and still......audiophile life means to scratch even when there’s no itch. .....never ending pursuit of that tiny improvement closer to the truth with the law of diminishing returns.   Addiction ? O. C.D. ?  Perfectionist as in doing things as best possible .   Sometimes the recording , equipment and state of mind meet bringing ... tears to mine eyes .  Making it all worth it 

A timely reminder. 

The nature of this addiction (the bloom, the air, the dynamics, the timbre - yes all mainly from those vinyl years!) which can lead to many problems including that 'you could end up playing the same 12 tracks all your life on equipment demos'.

'I remember enjoying music off a budget 2 speaker, all in one record player system in my high school days.'

My experience too. I've often wondered what it would be like to get a well preserved example of that same system and listen again. Would it sound great, or more likely crap? I don't know, but I suspect the latter. 

What I do know is that nothing, no system since has given me anything like the same pleasure as that one did. I was totally immersed in the music for years. The only tweaking issue being occasional adjustment of the t wire aerial for FM reception on some weaker stations.

So what happened? Well, first of all I must have started to run out of the supply of this purely divine music and tried to somehow maintain the strength of the musical hit I was intoxicated with via the route of equipment upgrades.

I mean once you get past Sgt Pepper, Revolver, Rubber Soul, White album, A Hard Day's Night, Help!, Blonde on Blonde, Highway 61 Revisited, Bringing It All Back Home, Astral Weeks, Forever Changes, Led Zeppelin IV, Velvet Underground, Unknown Pleasures/Closer and greatest hits by Elvis, Buddy Holly, Rolling Stones, Who, Sex Pistols and various 45s it's just got to be downhill after that, hasn't it?

This all happened mainly between the age of 15 and 19. After that it was university and the discovery of separates. As you say, 'akin to going down a rabbit hole and doomed to audiophilia nervosa.' 

Is this what this all is, an unending Proust like attempt to recover the lost pleasures of youth?

Or is it simply a transition problem? In my case, after university I took some time before grudgingly settling into a job and even more time before settling down into marriage and family. I wasn't keen on the family aspect but my wife was. I'm far happier with it now, and it's certainly precious to me now, but it was one hell of a transition.

Or maybe is this all simply a case of searching for something elusive in a digital format which was easily found in analogue LP? I don't know, but I suspect not. After all why would my cheap all in one system give me far more pleasure than my later LP12/Ittok/K18? Doesn't make sense until I factor in all that 'audiophilia nervosa' nonsense. 

There's also the fact that digital can sound beautiful on rare occasions admittedly, but it definitely can. For example check out the sound on a few of those early Smith's CDs.

So thanks again for reminding us of what's really important here. It's very easy to skip over posts here as you have your morning tea, but yours I had to read a few times. 

My journey too.
alfa, and cd318....*s* Yes, there's the 'black hole' tug to ascend/plumb the range of audiophila....Add this, tweak that, speakers rivaling the monolith of 2001, padding the 'listening den' enough so it looks less 'room' then padded cell....

Which there are those that would consider that last item as a fit analogy. ;)

If one finds self talking to family/friend/coworker/stranger at an event about audio to the point of not noticing glazed eyes to the point of concrete....

If 'Restrait' becomes necessary.....You're doomed, a terminal case. *L*

cd, I'd like to have some of the old equipment I've owned.  Knowing what I know now, I wager I could still startle you, if only for the momentary lapse of reason....

The specs of SOTA haven't improved that much, unless one possesses a startling pair of ears, and the 'wetware' to process with them.

I make no claim to owning such....I prefer to listent to the music, given 'what' I call 'music' and what I enjoy hearing....for fun, for 'acting analytical', or just trying to see if I can break what I've made.

I own nothing that would destroy my finances if it goes *foom*.
A mix of old, vintage, new (mostly 'pro' audio; I like 'flexibility'), some items that have 'rubbed my the Right way'...

The list likely would impress none...esp. here on AG.
I've noticed there's a significant population of those with a similar 'bent'.  Old isn't bad, per se....if you like it, it's Good to Go.

My Spotify play list plays for nearly 48 hours.....and doesn't count the bookmarks made in Chrome.  And it's all over the board as to what...

As of now, my 'pile' is undergoing a major 'revamp'.
Parts of which a child can operate.
The balance begins to need an operational manual....even for me. *L*

...but I'm still listening to Enjoy...and typically loud....;)

"Get busy", indeed....