Innous Zen Mini MK 3

Here goes, another streamer thread. Does anyone have any experience with this streamer, specifically with the internal DAC. The Mini is at the top of my price range and, for now, I would like to avoid buying an external DAC. How would it compare to the internal DAC in the Node 2i?
As an aside I like that the Innous has a CD ripper, but I could do without one.
@jimintally Hi, can I ask what DAC you got? I'm looking to get the Zen mini but will be pretty maxed out after so I'll be looking for a DAC that won't cost too much. Many thanks
@chrizola ... if you feel that you will be maxed out after purchasing the Zen Mini, then my humble advise is that you should look elsewhere. If you read any reviews or product descriptions of the Zen Mini, you can’t help but notice that there is scant or no mention of the built-in DAC. I feel that the Zen Mini should only be reviewed as a streamer and CD ripper. You would surely need to add a decent DAC if you want better sound.

I was seriously considering the Zen Mini but there were a number of factors why I dropped it from my list. First is obviously the lack of a decent DAC. Secondly, I don’t know how much of the production cost goes towards the CD ripper. My view is that I shouldn’t pay for anything I don’t intend to, use. I really wish Innuos can release a pure streamer at a lower cost. And the last reason is that most reviewers feel that the Zen Mini by itself is a decent piece of equipment but nothing to write home about. You really need to add a power supply, which is another $600 or so. So now, all of a sudden we’re looking at roughly $1850 just for the streamer. Plus maybe another $1000 for a good DAC.

Personally, I would spend more on a great DAC instead of a streamer. If you’re maxed out, buy the best DAC you can get and add a Bluesound Node at half the price of the Zen Mini and use it purely as a streamer. Just my 2 cents.
I was also considering the Zen Mini, but after much thought I came to the same conclusion as you did. 
I got a mint used Node 2i and a new MDHT Orchid. I am very happy with both purchases. I hope at some point Innuos makes a pure streamer. I would take a look at that.
@ericsch  Wow, what a coincidence! I am also considering an MHDT Orchid as an option. Other DACs I'm considering include RME-AD-2 and Border Patrol. Mytek Brooklyn Bridge DAC+ is also a contender but given my preferences I think the other two might be a better choice. I would take musicality over pinpoint resolution any day.

I would really appreciate it if you can share some thoughts on the Node + Orchid combo. Thank you.