I thought I got a bargain recently - I got a JVC QL 10 in working condition with a UA7045 in working condition - all for £400. I thought that was a bargain until the guy told me he bought it, along with the top of the line JVC Amplifier from the 70's as well as a JVC stand at a car boot sale for £25.00 - yep - diddly squat. I don't begrudge the man as he was great to deal with and passed on a bargain to me.

With that has anyone else heard of or benefitted from a similar bargain? let me know

Paying full retail for a Basis turntable did not seem like such a great bargain. Until, some ten years later, when it sold for exactly what it cost me new. Brand new Basis turntable. For free. Beat that.
Speaking of bargains, there's a Tice Micro Block power conditioner on ebay for $98! I paid $650 in the 90's. I've trying to find a reason to purchase but still have my original. This would be a great power supply for a CD/DAC or turntable. Basically an isolation transformer.[CACHEBUSTER]&siteid=0&ipn=admain2&...

Some of the best bargains of which I am aware are the kits from Transcendent Sound or the Atma-sphere M60 kits. In fact I am building a T.S. KT120 kit as I write this. If you like a slightly more traditional tube sound, Audio Note kits are excellent. My partner and I have built ANK preamps, DACs and a pair of parallel SETs
Bought an amp new for $1400. Ten years later traded it in on another new amp ($5200 retail) and dealer gave me $2600 in trade for my old amp.
In 1991 I bought a one-owner pair of KLH Nines in excellent condition from HiFi Classics in Far Rockaway, NY. $500 + the cost of a rental van ($80) to get them home (Old Greenwich, CT). A true-classic Holy Grail full-range electrostatic speaker system which hardly anybody here has ever heard or seen! And I still have them set up!