Fuses in the 3 speed SME PSU

I have a model 20/2 table serial # 1173 and wish to upgrade the PSU with Hi-Fi Tuning fuses. There are 3 in the unit and my question is, which of the 3 are most critical to the performance of the unit as I cannot afford to upgrade all at this stage.
You might be right, Uber. I’m just going by what Dylan said. Was he putting me on? 🙄
You’re close, Uber, very close. He was winding you up. Like a top. I can always count on you. 🤗
re your idea of masking tape on fuses.... I considered this, but was concerned about long term drying of the adhesive. I used Teflon plumbers tape, tightly wrapped around the glass. Nice uptick in performance.

@richardkrebs You know, you have a point. I've used PTFE tape on the Linn Ittok arm tube many years ago. I'll give it a try. Thanks!