What Class D amps will drive a 2 ohm load

Just asking.

I see specs into 4 ohms but nothing into difficult speaker loads (like Thiel CS5's).

Thanks for listening, 



     Thank you, atmosphere, for your numerous interesting and very informative posts. 
     Class D Hypex and UcD power module designer, Bruno Putzeys, has stated that there's no such thing as too much feedback and that he's able to make a class D amp sound however he likes but decided his goal would be accuracy.  
     Here are a couple interviews with Bruno Putzey about class D I thought members on this thread might find interesting, relevant and informative:



@noble100 Yes, Bruno has been able to design class D amps with loop gain north of 75dB!!

He did acknowledge to us that there was a typo in one of his papers when we pointed out a math error regarding the oscillation criteria. It was not an error in the paper itself though, it really was a genuine typo. Brilliant guy.
Bel Canto e1X, stable into 2 ohms. See recent Stereophile review.

Like I said, "stable into 2ohms" is a smoke screen furphy, to make the gullible feel it can happily drive 2ohms without strain, it just means it won’t oscillate and blow up, as Ralph also said two of his post back.
So is a 1980’s 30w Nad-3020 stable into a "2ohm load", but there’s no way in the world it can drive it without any strain, if it could you would see the 4ohm wattage almost double into 2ohms, but that’s not given with the BC for a hidden reason.

Even the Stereophile tests show the eX1 can’t even get close to doubling from 8ohm to 4ohm!!!, let alone the 2ohm, it for sure would have gone backwards, instead of up if it was given.

340Wpc into 8 ohms
530Wpc into 4 ohms

Your welcome George