Upgrade help: Luxman and McIntosh.

This is my first here although I have been reading this forum for several years and and immensely thankful for several knowledgeable posters.

Current system is Bluesound Node 2i >> Schiit Bifrost2 >> Arcam A75 Plus >> Totem Sttaf. 

Musical interests are Jazz, Blues, Classical and Vocals(mostly female) and listen at low to moderate volume.

I have had Arcam/Totem combination for over fifteen years and have been happy but recently caught the upgrade bug, not because my system is unsatisfactory but rather because of the thought that I might be missing something.

After some research I have narrowed my selection to  Luxman L-507uxii with Spendor D7.2 or McIntosh MA352 with Dynaudio Contour 30i.

I think I can live with either of the speakers although I am leaning more towards the Spendors.

I would appreciate any comments/advice from someone who has listened to the specific models or experiance with products from both companies.

Thanks in advance.

I have 2 dealers about twenty minutes apart. One sells Mac & Dynaudio ant the other Luxman & Spendor. The Luxman Spendor combo is livelier w/a a detailed bottom and a excellent top. The Mac combo just too warm and laid back for me.
Thanks for all the inputs. I just placed an order for Spendor D7.2 and Luxman L-507uxii. 

Hope to be listening to them sometime next week.
I  have a Luxman 507ux and am very happy with it.  I was also considering a McIntosh 2275 at the time but think I made the right choice.  I am using it with Spendor monitors.

Any updates on the Luxman/Spendor combo? I've got a pair of D7s and have really been eyeing Luxman lately.

Make sure you get at least 200 hours on the Spendors. They can sound a bit bright/lean out of the box.