All-in-one integrated, 10-15K range, class A/B only

For a second system. I want to buy a SS all-in-one integrated. At least 200W in 8ohm.

When I say all-in-one means it has to have DAC built-in (preferable a very nice DAC commensurate to the price point of the system). I would highly prefer a streamer built-in as well.

Am super excited about the new Boulder 866. It seems to be the only one satisfying all the criterion.

Another option could be the Accuphase E-800 with DAC module (but no streaming).
DAG Progression but it crosses 18K without DAC.

Any other options?
I am not interested in anything Class-D. It has to be Class A/B amplifier.

Speakers are TBD as well.

The reviews all said the 390 was great for its price but that the 590 was on a different level, and the 590 is well within the budget, so might as well get the best for the money willing to spend. If wattage was the only difference and didn’t feel the need for then that’s different. Having said that it sounds like speakers arnt set yet and I do believe I saw Maggie’s 20.7 mentioned as a possibility( they can suck up lots more power than 300 watts no problem) And also that he was looking to go with efficient speakers so much this time. Based on that, I’d look into as much power as possible, and for anyone who bass is a big deal, the more power, the better the control over the bass. 
Yes! Mimas was on my list as well. It's class D, but has tube pre stage so might work. I will check it out.

Isn't the Gryphon 300, 22K? Might have to look at used.

Yes, if I look at Hegel it will be the 590. So I won't have to wonder what I am missing out on.
Hello @essrand - First, I think your specifying a price point is entirely appropriate and, in fact, essential, to generating intelligent and helpful responses.  But there are all kinds on here as I learned from being a 25 year Agoner.

I think I may have been in the same or similar SS integrated boat as you are and I believe I am in a position to provide useful feedback.  Many of the above comments make truly excellent suggestions which should be weighed. 

I have four systems in my home (large home) and two are based on SS integrateds.  One is the Mark Levinson 585 and the other is the Pass INT 250.  The Pass is driving Raidhos and the Levinson is driving Magicos.  Both are in your wheelhouse, i.e. $10-15K and 200 WPC or more.  

I must say I love them both, but the Pass is closer to a tube amp than almost every other integrated mentioned, and that includes the wonderful Hegel, DartZeel and Vitus integrateds. Also, the Pass is simply the best with an analog front end.  (I have a post seeking turntable advice so if anyone cares to help out there, that would be nice).

Both companies excel over many of the others mentioned, however, in customer service, with Pass being over the top.  But Harmon is also very responsive.  This is an important factor for me. I have a son who is an electrical engineer educated at Georgia Tech, but I can hardly replace batteries in a flashlight. 

If you would like more detailed feedback on these amps please feel free to message me. Hope some of this is useful to you.  Regards, H

We are a dealer for a few choice products. 
1. Hegel H-590 Reference Integrated Amplifier.
2. Vinni Rossi L2i & L2i SE Integrated Amplifier.
3. CH Precision i1 
4. Jeff Rowland Continuum Integrated Amplifier ( Class D but sweet sounding ) 
If you have questions, Please call 626-966-6259

Aesthetix Mimas is not a Class D amplifier. See the below quote from their web site:

Big Power, Stable Power
For power amplification, we again looked to our existing industry standard products and borrowed a derivative of the output section from our Atlas amplifier. This power output section is fully discrete (no integrated circuits), fully differential, zero-feedback, DC coupled, balanced bridge output operating in Class AB. It is capable of 150W into 8 ohms, and nearly double into 4ohms, with both channels driven. Aesthetix painstakingly matches individual FET input devices and bipolar output devices, to ensure channel matching, linearity and stability driving any speaker load.