Looking For Advice After Dumb Vandy Purchase

Good evening fellow enthusiasts. Looking for advice after just making a stupid purchasing error. I usually do good research before making any transaction but I fell in love hard and got burned.

Just paid for some used Vandersteen Quatro for a "decent" price but failed to notice the purchase dis not include the crossovers. I live in the boonies so dont have a dealer handy to maybe just make my gear work without the crossovers, and it seems now the cost of new ones are a staggering $1295.00. This was for sure not in my budget as I am needing a couple of other pieces to complete this puzzle. Worse yet...once I take delivery of the Quatros...I wont have a way to even give them the once over sound wise to make sure they sound fine. 

Any advice? I am bummed beyond all get out at this moment. 
Do not despair!  If you want to use a passive crossover, send me the crossover frequencies you wish to use and all the data you can find on the driver's impedances and I will send you a schematic, parts list and estimated parts price from Parts Express, Madisound, and Parts ConneXion. It is not difficult to build a decent sounding one. There is no sense in using anything less than high quality parts with your speakers. So I'll suggest Mundorf capacitors & heavy wire coils. You may be able to get the actual schematic from Vandersteen and work from there. I'd like to suggest an electronic crossover (miniDSP) and one amp per driver. Good amps (65 wpc) are buildable for roughly $100/channel/frequency band and allow easy adjustment of each driver's level (why use resistors in a crossover to waste power making things hot?). Also, connecting an amp directly to the driver (speaker unit) allows you to take full advantage of an amp's ability to correct and control the motion of the speaker's moving parts. Keep Smiling! This is a solvable problem.

Ping me when you get your crossovers and I can help you through setup. I have all the equipment you need. I owe you - I’ve been a bad friend. 
Hey man! No worries...life has been a roller coaster so finally treating myself. I live about an hour and a half from you on a lake. Would love to have you out once I get everything.

Any thoughts on a DAC for my streamer? As an Ayre guy I figure you can vouch for the Codex.

I have a flyrod and just in case 20 yards of gillnet

but IF I were you I would take @nrenter up on his offer ASAP !!!!!
I've got a Codex, and it's great, but I really can't tell too much difference between it and a $100 Schiit Modi 3.  If you need balanced outs, spend $200 for Schiit's new Modius.  Just another suggestion.