Cleaning power with tweaks.

Im looking into how to clean up power on my circuit for my audio setup. This room is used for multi-purposes. The AC outlet is an Audioquest NRG Edison. I have my receiver, theater pc, dac, phone preamp hooked up into a Shinyata Hydra 6 power conditioner.  A Wireless router, modem, hue light hub, satellite, xbox, tape deck, turntable, projector, etc into a Monster MP HTS 5000 MKII Reference PowerCenter conditioner. All power cords have been upgraded. Everything is crammed together. also due to space. In the other room on the same circuit is an OLED tv, satellite. Sometimes I run an EOP (ethernet over power), but unplug it when listening to music. Now.. Im not sure if this is enough to keep this power clean and filtered. Are there any suggestion to tweak power this up???.. I'm thinking something like an ISOTEK EVO3 ISOPLU, maybe even a few of them, but don't have too much experience with filters.
slaw: Not sure what you mean by supported and decoupled.  It goes into an audioquest nrg edison outlet (which made a significant change). And the other PowerCenter conditioner goes into the same outlet. And its ok to plug  a power conditioner into another conditioner? 

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Supported =on a platform or decoupling feet like Stillpoints
Decoupled = on a platform or feet as above that decoupled from vibrations coming from below and drains them from above.
You"ll never hear all your components are capable of until you do this.
It depends on what type of conditioner it is as to whether you should plug one brand into another. That’s one reason why I suggested using the same brand.
Don’t set conditioners on carpet if you want best sound.

Why do you have everything on one circuit if HT is in another room? To take advantage of the NRG outlet? I'd put the HT in the separate room on the Monster and your audio on the Shunyata. Still consider a used 8.