All-in-one integrated, 10-15K range, class A/B only

For a second system. I want to buy a SS all-in-one integrated. At least 200W in 8ohm.

When I say all-in-one means it has to have DAC built-in (preferable a very nice DAC commensurate to the price point of the system). I would highly prefer a streamer built-in as well.

Am super excited about the new Boulder 866. It seems to be the only one satisfying all the criterion.

Another option could be the Accuphase E-800 with DAC module (but no streaming).
DAG Progression but it crosses 18K without DAC.

Any other options?
I am not interested in anything Class-D. It has to be Class A/B amplifier.

Speakers are TBD as well.


Have you heard the Bladelius? It looks intriguing and the price is right. How do you describe them, in comparison to some other better know brands?
Since I heard an Engstrom amp (the best amp I have heard, ever), I am now enamoured by small Swedish companies, so would like to know more.
@essrand ,
I have not heard the Bladelius amp yet but one of my friends has one and he use to own a Dan D'Agostino Momentum Integrated amp.  

I can't wait for this amp to come to the USA!
That's very interesting. Replacing an Dag Momentum integrated with something 1/5th its price. Did he say he liked it better?

Just looked it up, it weighs 60kgs, 60kgs!!
Totally removes it out of consideration, but am still interested in knowing more for sure.
Hi guys,

I’ve had many integrated amps here or passing through during recent years incl. Dartzeel NHB-18NS, Gryphon Diablo 300, Mark Levinson 585, McIntosh MA8000 and more.

The one’s who’s managed to hold their ground over time are the Ayre AX-5 Twenty, Boulder 866, Ypsilon Phaethon and Accuphase E-480 within this price range operating in class A/B. All different, but at the very top in terms of performance, build quality and support from the professionals behind them.

We’re also carrying Aesthetix (where the Mimas is great but not on par with the alternatives mentioned above). Pass is moving in as well, but they do not offer any integrated DAC and/or streaming options for their amps.

I’m happy to answer any specific questions regarding any of them.

/ Marcus,
@essrand - if you are looking for the opposite of your current system, I feel there is an answer that is both hard to beat sonically, but also a phenomenal value and beautiful to look at. The integrated has been mentioned before, but I just can’t think of anything better. 
Luxman 509x + Streaming Dac (Lumin x1 would be a great choice) + Harbeth 40.2 (or 30.2 if the room is small)

I had the 509x/30.2 combo for several years in NYC until upgraditis hit when I got a bigger apartment. I moved to Focal Sopra 3 (would not disappear and harsh) then Harbeth 40.2 (the best speaker I have ever had), I also moved to the Luxman M900, and you know what? I like the 509x better. I got rid of the 900s and bought some huge Rogue Audio tube separates, which are great sounding, but the 509x is such a phenomenal sounding integrated, and looks so much better (it is built like a Swiss watch) that I honestly feel it might be a better solution than seperates. The lux/Harbeth combo has an uncommon synergy and a really cool look - this is equipment that looks like 70s stereo equipment in the best way possible, but the build quality is shockingly good. It is incredibly luxurious while also totally under the radar - your friends who don’t know will think it is some old crap LOL and you will know it is $35k worth of integrated and speakers. And it sounds like $70k!