Affordable US Made Tube Pre/Power or Integrated Options

I'm considering switching to tube amplification from solid state. I'm fine with separate pre/power or an integrated. I'll be driving Enzo XL's in a smallish room (17x14) and listening levels are almost always <90db so 30-40 watts should be more than enough. My budget is fairly modest, $2-3k all in. I don't need phono or more than 3 inputs but I would like remote for volume at minimum. Quality build and sound is a priority as is ease of support/repairs if needed. The one unique requirement is that my preference would be for US made if at all possible. Obviously, this limits the options quite a bit but I'd like to see if I can make it work. If not, I'm willing to look at other options.

Here's what I've found so far

Mapletree Line 2CRM, $800 (not US but close)
LTA MZ2- $1595

Power Amps:
Tubes4hifi ST70-35w, $1300
Audio by Van Alstine Ultravalve-35w?, $1599
Quicksilver Mid Mono-40w each, $1995/pair

Rogue Cronus- 100w, $2395
Any others?

I'm open to any other options you may know of. Also, if there's any insight or positive experiences with matching pre/power amp please share. I'm new to tubes so I have a lot to learn.

I’d avoid the Tubes4HiFi/VTA like CoViD-19.

Tubes4HiFi/VTA products are poorly designed to be as cheap as possible.

I bought a factory built pair of the M-125 monoblocks. Factory built, the absolute worst assembly of any tube amp owned in over 50 years. They come nowhere close meeting the claimed specs. see

IMO, the designs suffers from fatal flaws [e.g. un-compensated LM334 causes gain to vary slightly between channels over about 10 minutes after an inordinately long warm up] and poor gain structure choices. They are marginally stable. Most will not have issues, but some... see in for an example.

They can be made to work properly for very little extra work.

Smilin’ Big Bob called me an Audio Zealot, banned my DTAF account and deleted my posts. People from all over the world have contacted me with similar issues with both their amplifiers and lack of support from Messrs. Latino & Mottram.

BTW, ignore all tube rolling advice. Just as amplifiers sound different in different systems, so to with tubes. Tubes vary greatly, not only from brand to brand, but from tube to tube and over time.
The tubes4hifi pieces are all available as kits.  They really aren't that hard to build.  Tubes4hifi also provides excellent support for builders.  For about $2200, you could easily afford their best preamp, the SP14 and the ST120 (60 wpc) power amp.   $3000 would get you both fully assembled and tested.
+1 for Decware, I have a couple of Steve's pieces and they sound awesome. If you are willing to spend some hours on the soldering bench Bottlehead represents amazing value for the dollar (or buy fully assembled, or used). 
ANyone have an all Decware system?  How does it sound?

Seem like very well thought out products that offer very good value.
There's a Rogers EHF-100 listed here on Audiogon. Made in USA. I've heard several of the Rogue integrated amps and the Rogers. The Rogers sounds way better IMHO.