Watt War

I always read about the amp wars of the 70's.
Can anyone tell me who won? 
(and was there a Marshall Plan?....sorry about that, couldn't resist.)
IMO the only real winners were the repair shops, FEDX/UPS, and anyone selling abdominal trusses.
Crown XLS1502! 300wpc/8ohms, 600wpc/4ohms. 9.8 lbs! $439! Look out all you manufacturers of 5-figure amps!
I have never heard a "Chip amp", sound like anything other than a "Chip amp", once it is under a decent load.
And I really tried to embrace the "Class D", technology. 
But it was the wattage ratings they try to pull off with all class "D" amplifiers?
THAT, is what truly finished them for me. The final nail in their coffin.
We did! With mass marketing and lots of audio equipment rags to print glowing reviews of everything that passes through their doors we have no excuse not to own several amps of varying designs. Thanks to audio websites we can buy and sell at will for $.30 on the dollar and own some incredible gear.