Contracts apply only for the parties involved. The ''third persons''
can't claim any right to others contracts. Judicial simplification
is the reduction to ''creditor'' and ''debtor'' relation. So the importer
has an contract with manufactirer with mutual obligations . If one
of bouth commit default the other can bring charges against him
according to the involved national or internation (private) law.
Those implay judicial procedures which are costly so the practical
solution is dissolving of the contract. Without mutuall trust there is
no honest relation possible. At present with ''on line'' product
distribution the relation is ''reduced'' to direct contract between
producer and buyer with the same ''general'' contractual obligations.
On priciple that is. The seller should publish his liability.
can't claim any right to others contracts. Judicial simplification
is the reduction to ''creditor'' and ''debtor'' relation. So the importer
has an contract with manufactirer with mutual obligations . If one
of bouth commit default the other can bring charges against him
according to the involved national or internation (private) law.
Those implay judicial procedures which are costly so the practical
solution is dissolving of the contract. Without mutuall trust there is
no honest relation possible. At present with ''on line'' product
distribution the relation is ''reduced'' to direct contract between
producer and buyer with the same ''general'' contractual obligations.
On priciple that is. The seller should publish his liability.