Scratched woofer surround rubber
Hi I just got these elac vela bookshelves and just noticed that the woofer surround rubbers have some light scruff marks noticeable up close. Would they have any impact on sound? It’s small but when you are optimizing minute details like swapping out power cables I just want to make sure. Separately I read some people recommending applying sonax on the surround rubbers. Good idea?
With no port (s), on an enclosure, how would air exchange? The surround, center cap, or phase plug clearance, that's it on IB setups..

You don't want air exchange, at least not within the playback frequencies.  That's the whole point. :)
I have received brand new woofers from Scanspeak that had more scuffs on the woofer surrounds than those ELAC have.
Eric, what about foam surrounds and the clearance between PPlugs.
I had an big problem with the wrong size phaze plugs. I made up the drivers and I had way to much clearance, at a particular position of the cone (tapered plug). Holy cow.. sounded bad.. took me a while to figure, there is a right amount.. To much there is noise associated with air noise, to close, they rub... Pretty fine line.. But air was exchanging..

I'm not following what "within the playback frequencies", means?

PM if you want and have the time.. thanks
