Tekton Double Impacts

Anybody out there heard these??

I have dedicated audio room 14.5x20.5x9 ft.  Currently have Marantz Reference CD/Intergrated paired to Magnepan 1.7's with REL T-7 subs.  For the vast majority of music I love this system.  The only nit pick is that it is lacking/limited in covering say below 35 hz or so.  For the first time actually buzzed the panel with an organ sacd. Bummer.  Thought of upgrading subs to rythmicks but then I will need to high pass the 1.7's.  Really don't want to deal with that approach.

Enter the Double Impacts.  Many interesting things here.  Would certainly have a different set of strengths here.  Dynamics, claimed bottom octave coverage in one package, suspect a good match to current electronics.

I've read all the threads here so we do not need to rehash that.  Just wondering if others out there have FIRST HAND experience with these or other Tekton speakers


Hi jcarcopo,

What you’ve written makes perfect sense. Amplifiers would be under less stress driving an easier speaker load. So the sense of "loafing" is logical. Limiting the number of output tubes to only 1 per channel ’should’ result in increased sonic purity as you’ve simplified the signal chain. Your listening impressions are on the mark.

Stating that "My system has never sounded this good" is quite a compliment considering prior use of both the Art Audio and Lyngdorf amps you’ve had in your audio system.


I have the Double-Impacts (FU) and OEM (wood & fabric) optional grills...
Does anyone know of a place to procure metal grills for these?
I’m thinking of something perforated, curved, powder-coated steel - like SVS subwoofer grills.https://1drv.ms/u/s!AqjTwQMaYQubg-klVbX1vH7Lbkyfpg?e=qHlDRd

If someone could make these for a reasonable cost - would really change the ’boxy’ look. Also, angling them forward (tweeter-array pointing down toward ear-height) about 7/8" lift at the back feet improves their look - similar profile as Focal. https://1drv.ms/u/s!AqjTwQMaYQubg-knY-Mfr8xzE9gIFg?e=LinIashttp://

Relying on the community to maybe have already found metal grill solutions - not sure I could DIY it, but I do have a welder, familiarity with perf-steel and powder-coat vendors. Not sure I could create a good roll-forming - have to think about that a bit - need some long steel rolls (maybe PVC pipe?).

Another option would be 3D-printing in sections. Appears to be 12"W x 54"L overall, with six 3/16"W x 7/32"L pins
located 10-5/8"S2S and spaced 26-3/8"B2M and 26-1/4"M2T. The grill itself could be as small as 11" x 53". For me, that would require printing and joining five sections - not ideal, but possible. Could also do some intricate design, which might be nice.

Anyone, let me know if there are solutions for this already available - thanks!

I agree, the metal perf grills would be a big plus for those in need.  The factory grills aesthetically are lacking.  Much prefer the speakers without grills.  But if I were to move my DI's into my secondary system, those curved metal grills would be the ticket for sure.  Might be worth checking with SVS and see where they source their grills.  Hopefully not China. 

Great question.  Keep us posted with what you find out.
“Good to hear from old friends on this thread. I would agree with all that has been said. @2spyop, you won’t go wrong with the DI, DI SE. The Moabs will exceed budget by $500. Wish I had the ability to tell you I have heard them side by side. I prefer, in theory, the simplified crossover of the Moab over the DI SE. I suspect the purity of the Moab is very special. Only wonder if there is any loss of mid-bass impact vs the SE’s?

As you may know, I owned the Magnepan 1.7’s and loved that speaker. It is a special transducer. But it took little time for me to find the DI to be an overall superior transducer. I found the DI to have more accurate imaging and sound staging. Detail was better. Obviously the DI had superior low end extension, dynamics, and surprisingly, was just as coherent to my ears.

I think you will love the flexibility the Tektons offer regarding amplifiers. And I really do not think you will have any desire to return them--so I really would not factor that much into the equation. Eric offers tremendous value directly marketing and something has to give to maintain his margin. So the inability to audition and return to a local dealer is a small price to pay for a huge value. I’ll take that any day.

Keep us posted.”

Thanks for addressing my questions. I was going to drive to Audio Archon in Chicago to hear these speakers but I guess I will have to call first to see if they still carry them? I am like another poster here, I am a budget minded guy, not a big spender. So the appeal of the DI SE is that they appear to be HI-FI (or at least higher end MID-FI) for the blue collar guy. I might have to hear them before I drop the cash because shipping them back would have to cost serious freight charges if, for some reason, I did not like them.

Another question to all, how many tweeters can you have an option to replace with BE? Does the buyer have to replace all with the upgrade? Or can you just have one BE, the rest upgraded or standard tweeters? I never got a response from Tekton on that question.
@2psyop You can replace just the center or treble producing tweeter if need be. It's not cheap and may put you over budget.  I'm not fond of beryllium drivers and the wrong person to recommend the upgrade. You could do the whole array possibly, but you'll definitely go broke doing it.  I'm not even certain the SE has the option for BE drivers because he uses a scanspeak tweeters I believe in that model and the diameter size may differ from the BE driver, I'd ask Eric or Karma.