Your warning about using ecc88/6dj8's in an e88cc/6922 design is a good one, but it may only apply to a few popular companies (and their designs) which ran the 6922 type especially
hard (otherwise known as tube eaters).
Off the top of my head this would be ARC, Sonic Frontiers, later CJ's and Audible Illusions*.
The older AI preamps (due to their design from what was explained to - which was over my head) were privy to AC line voltage in this respect in that a higher line voltage feeding the unit the harder on the tubes.
This may explain the wide opinions of what tubes can and/or will not last in the units.
There are also old production ecc88/6dj8's which do survive in some of these supposed tube eater models (Siemens/Tungsram come to mind) that I used in ARC and AI units with success.
However, the problem with both was that I (and the owners) did not care for the sound which was harmonically dry.
Best not to write off the use of vintage 6dj8's (in a 6922 design) on anywhere near a whole as they may very well be fine/long lasting in gobs of gear.