Ever feel like a "low dollar" customer that your dealer doesn't think worth their time?

I'm a careful researcher for audio gear and I also understand the value of brick and mortar stores. I am not OCD and I am not an irascible haggler. Indeed, I have told my local stores that if they carry something I like, I will buy from them and not try to find it cheaper on the net. I have purchased major pieces of gear from them.

Nevertheless, one local shop is erratic in how it treats me. Emails can take a long time to get acknowledged, and often exchanges take several back-and-forths to get clear questions answered. This shop sells gear at my price point and up to 10x more (think Wilson speakers, $7k power cords). I often feel I'm more like a fly buzzing around their heads than a valued customer trying to establish a customer-dealer relationship. I am trying to be loyal, but it makes me want to shop online. I could be reading the situation wrong, but this is definitely a pattern.

Has anyone else had the sense that they were too much of a "low dollar" customer to be worth the dealer's time?
@big_greg I had a thread once asking about good shops to buy used and someone mentioned Echo Audio. I immediately bookmarked them and surf them all the time. Some of the deals they have there are *unreal* and correspondence has been great. Everyone should bookmark their used page.
  "We're not inexpensive, but you will get exactly what you want."
  That is the perfect, perfect sales line -- because it's honest and speaks both about your company's integrity and desire to connect with the customer. And it's short.
  And I bet if someone can't afford something of yours, you offer them suggestions even if it might not mean a sale right now.
@schubert , yup.
 And not all survived.  The ones that have been lucky and smart enough to get the right balance of stock and service.

Likely these are the ones that y'all mention on forums like this....

We travel around the S/E, since we design/build/install.  If I'm in a city where there's a B&M store ("Hey, Google!"), I'll drop in...

Usually in our company T-shirt, driving the company 4wd diesel dually.
Typically, I'll just nose about, checking out the wares.  I'll look for that which is mentioned on these pages.

It's what happens while I do that....is what I'm paying attention to.

If I get followed around like it's expected I'll paw at the stock or act suspicious....or get the 'down the nose' 'tude....I'm gone.

If I get engaged in conversation, there's a +.

If I get offered a demo, there's +*X.

The latter is Rare.

I carry a demo CD in our 'lectronics kit, with the 'puter, printer, cables (we 'take over' the 'in room' flat screen, since we're generally 'in town' for a minimun of 2 weeks on an installation)....

That cd has been out twice.

On one revisit, 'we don't demo'.  Different salesperson....

The other obviously didn't like my 'taste'.

This is why I buy online.
hilde45....Precisely. *S*

I've some recognition that we deal in dreams....

"THIS is the playground I wanted as a child!"
"Our kids love it!  And the neighborhood ones' do too!"

We received an email yesterday from a former client for which we did the most expensive residential playset we'd done up to that time.

"We're planning to build a house.  My wife said that either we're going to have to move That playset to the New house...or have another one made for it...."

(We've moved playsets....it's worse than a 4th floor concrete sofa....)

*blink*  I'll call that Success.....on enough levels...*S*

For those who can't afford us, we're happy to advise.
For those who want to DIY, we provide access to that which they can't normally get, or could only get through a contractor....
Better parts.  Where to get the parts for a zip line that's of a better standard than a cheap plastic one...and the proper harnesses and gear to make it safe....and advising of the inherent risk of a zip line that's DIY.

"Don't cut corners or take 'shortcuts'...unless you've Spectacular Insurance."

We build to commercial standards...on everything.

I like it....or it doesn't get done.

I refuse to risk your kids for a buck.

Can't deal with that?

Go away.
...as for my 'personal audio attitude'...

I'm just as bad about it.
Just because I've not dropped the $ on it rivaling a Benz or Beemer doesn't mean I'm not picky.

"Think Outside the Box!"

The box doesn't exist.  Get over it.
Today's email included this:


I've been fascinated by DML's, much like class D amps.....mostly because of the potentials both exhibit...

The BML driver, an interesting 'hybrid', could make for a great line source speaker pair...If the trace depicted holds water...

...so to speak.....sans immersion, of course....;)