If you deal with an owner versus a salesperson, you will have a better experience, just like any other retail encounter. Audio retail is a declining business, so you see stores morphing into "whole house automation" with security monitoring, multi room speaker installs, in home theaters (with chairs) and even automated blinds! Think Best Buy Magnolia....who has "designers".
I long for the good old days when there were 5 times as many (or more) independent audio stores in the area or small chains that all sold different equipment. The iPod, iPhone, internet are all hurting it, and the ones who know how it adapt will make it, and they need to treat their customers right to do so.
I long for the good old days when there were 5 times as many (or more) independent audio stores in the area or small chains that all sold different equipment. The iPod, iPhone, internet are all hurting it, and the ones who know how it adapt will make it, and they need to treat their customers right to do so.