I am a long time class D owner. Several W4S, Emerald Physics, PS Audio GCC 250 (bought new some 15-20 years old) and still using it in my video system); of late, I tried the PS Audio M700s which are pretty darned good (recently saw a pair for ~ $1900), but replaced them with EVS 1200 (~$2500), it is exceptional but sadly is no longer being made. It is based on the IceEdge 1200 AS modules, but highly tweaked. PS Audio recently introduced M1200s with tube buffer, which should be excellent, especially for the $5999 MSRP.
oH wait, yesterday I saw an ad from a guy in CA selling his Audio Alchemy DPA-1 AND DDP-1 AND PS 5 for $1595. I had all 3 and they are great value. See Absolute Sound March 2017 for a great review. You could buy them then sell the DDP-1 (DAC/Pre) and PS -5 (outboard power supply). There are people looking for just the power supply, likely get $600 for it alone, though the combo sounds much beefier