I started with a mass market sony receiver and a pair of Eosones (dipole towers), which I bought at Best Buy (and those were the top 'o the line at Best Buy, so you can see where my tastes are going!). Since then, I've been gradually converted by my audiophile friends from college. They dragged me to the high end cottages around town, albiet grudging at first. ;) But the more I listened, the clearer it all became. Damn, man. Had they have come along sooner, I would have started out with some better stuff for the money$$$. (Nice int amp, instead of 5.1 receiver, Vandy 1C's instead of Eosone speakers, etc..)
Currently I'm running the following:
marantz cc47 (5cd)
Audio Alchemy DTI Pro w/ ps2
Adcom GDA-600
Audio Alchemy DLC preamp w/ ps2
Audio Alchemy OM-150 amp
Eosone RFS-600
wires: kimber, straightwire, tara labs, music metre.
And it's not done yet! I just need to scrape up a little more dough$$$ for the vadersteen 2ce sigs to replace the eosones. Then she'll be good until the next forklift upgrade!
It's hard to balance this hobby with my other two: fast cars and fast computers. I'd have a better stereo system (tubes?) if money wasn't so tight with the college bills and all. I just try to steer the $$ around for most impact, lately is was the PC's turn. But the next 6-9 months is all audio. After that the car will become the main focus again. Then the PC will need upgrades, etc.. et infinitum...
It'l be frightening to imagine what my system will look like by time I'm 30. Scary...
Currently I'm running the following:
marantz cc47 (5cd)
Audio Alchemy DTI Pro w/ ps2
Adcom GDA-600
Audio Alchemy DLC preamp w/ ps2
Audio Alchemy OM-150 amp
Eosone RFS-600
wires: kimber, straightwire, tara labs, music metre.
And it's not done yet! I just need to scrape up a little more dough$$$ for the vadersteen 2ce sigs to replace the eosones. Then she'll be good until the next forklift upgrade!
It's hard to balance this hobby with my other two: fast cars and fast computers. I'd have a better stereo system (tubes?) if money wasn't so tight with the college bills and all. I just try to steer the $$ around for most impact, lately is was the PC's turn. But the next 6-9 months is all audio. After that the car will become the main focus again. Then the PC will need upgrades, etc.. et infinitum...
It'l be frightening to imagine what my system will look like by time I'm 30. Scary...