A warm DAC?

Help me pair a DAC with my Prima Luna integrated, Focal 1038 be and PS Audio Perfect Wave transport...Speakers are quite detailed. Looking to level out the high end. Prefer analog warmth. No interest in streaming, expect to use for CD play only...budget $2500.
I thought digital sourced media was supposed to be perfect!

So, the same folks who OFTEN bash those who talk of the merits of vinyl, are now looking for a “warm” DAC????!

It SHOULDNT matter! It’s digital, right??

Me? I prefer the infinite resolution of analog!
I also have 1038 and Metrum acostics Adagio and I am very happy with Adagio.
You can try used Adagio/Pavano level 3 or Sonnet Audio Morpheus. ALL have been by Cees who is a great guy.
I would highly recommend Aqua Voce. I had similar objective to smoothen a bit my Magico S5 and this DAC did a brilliant job.
Dear larseand, since you already own a PS Audio PW transport I've no doubts in suggesting you to pair it witha very musical, transparent, detailed but still really pleasant Direct Stream dac. I own that couple and they are probably the only fixed point in my system. 

It will be a perfect match for your Focal and you can use it as a preamp as well as it has an accurate voulme control and a lot of digital inputs, moreover if you should acquire any interest in files streaming in the future, you can add the bridge module.

