A warm DAC?

Help me pair a DAC with my Prima Luna integrated, Focal 1038 be and PS Audio Perfect Wave transport...Speakers are quite detailed. Looking to level out the high end. Prefer analog warmth. No interest in streaming, expect to use for CD play only...budget $2500.
Some toilet paper covering the tweeter will do it. If you want to change the sound I recommend the Roon eq.
Why no interest in streaming if you are already playing CDs? Imagine having access to 250,000 CDs, many of them remastered, and/or with a higher resolution than CD.
(Happy user of RME ADI-2 DAC FS here).  
rsjaurr beat me to it. I would suggest a used Metrum Acoustics Pavane or Adagio as well as Cee's latest R2R DAC the Sonnet Morpheus....
I own both and I find them very detailed and smooth with a large sound stage ( Morpheus has more center image focus)
Not for nothing but you might be trying to find a component to tame the beryllium tweeters in those Focals. Maybe it's them you want to replace??? Just a thought

If he wants R2R instead of Delta Sigma then Holo Springs or Denefrips Ares are worth looking at.
+1 on that both very good sounding R2R.
PCM, Redbook, 16/44, 24/96, or DXD. is bit perfect when converted by R2R Multibit.
DS (Delta Sigma) can only give you a facsimile of it, and is also bit of a yawn to listen to. But can do DSD or SACD

Cheers George
Border Patrol dac is warm. Tubed power supply. Also the jolida fx glass dac with tubes...both under budget. Also both have very good reviews.