Impressions: $1k-$2k integrated amps

Hi there!

Id like to start a thread to collect impressions from about about integrated amps in the $1k - $2k range (new or used). 
How would you describe the character of the sound? How did it “pair” with other items in your rig? Most important, how did it compare with other amps in this category/on this list. 

This is not exhaustive but here’s a starting point:

Belles Aria

Yamaha a-s1100

Yanaha a-s2100 (used)

AVA SET 120 Control 

Anthem i225

Primare i21

Primare i22

Moon by Sim Audio 240i (used)

Rega Elex-R

Marantz PM8006

Moon 240i should be at the top of your list.

The rest are crap and I owned most if not all of them. Still have a Yamaha A-s 1100 in the game room with SF Sonetto 4. Fun when shooting pool but sure not a Moon!
@skypunk:I just last week demo'd the 340iX & the headphone circuit was GARBAGE!Flat,colorless,lifeless,inexcusable in a $5000.00 unit..
@skypunk thanks for that info!

can you share more details on your experiences/impressions with each amp?
I have a Belles Soloist One that I bought used in 2014 for around $1800 I think....I use it still and it drives my ATC SCM40V2 with relative ease. I love this integrated and would recommend it highly to anyone. No phono stage, but a very well built, SS all analog unit. David Belles knows what he’s vote would be that or the Moon.....