speaker recommendation for 35watt tube mono blocks

I'm looking for a fun exciting speaker that will sing at any level. $1k-$3k    I'm demoing the original Klipsch Forte with Forte II mid/treble drivers and rebuilt crossover paired with old RCA amps. They're a lot of fun to blast and fill the house.  I miss however definition and detail in the imaging when sitting in the sweet spot.  It's a softer focus.  Is the Forte III also like this?    
Zu has caught my attention. 
I had 16 pairs of mini monitors home for a listen and then Vandersteen 1Cis, listening to Johnny Cash"s voice was so obvious and right in front of me with better real bass extension and feel making the choice easy.
Their easy load for a tube amp, 90 DB transmission line, nonbox design, great drivers, from a 40 year plus company, add Made in USA with unrivaled support to all owners from the beginning makes this a winner.
Check out Decware Steve builds tube amps and speakers to match he has some very interesting and efficient speakers