Will this amp trick work for increasing bass performance?

I'm considering matching Focal Utopia Scala Evo with two amps for bi-amping, to separate bass and mid/high. 

I'm considering the Pass Labs XP-32 pre-amp, which has individual volume controls for each channel/amp. By slightly increasing bass amp volume over mid/high amp volume, I get to feel more punch from the 11" woofers. The crossover in the Focals cuts off at 220Hz, so only bass and sub bass are affected.

Which two power amps would you consider? Power amp budget is about $30K. Was told Focals like power, so >250W for bass amp seems the minimum. Pre amp will likely be Pass Labs XP-32.
Maybe Pass Labs X250.8 + X150.8 or X250.8 + XA60.8?

Your thoughts please? Any other ideas to get more bass performance from the 11" woofers in the Focals? Subwoofer is not an option. I know McIntosh has a pre-amp with equalizer, which would solve the problem too. But I always thought EQs are a no-no.
onhwy614,344 posts06-18-2020 4:52amWhy not get an equalizer? Much more precise control. Top level, mastering quality, pro equalizers cost in the $5-8k range.

Ok we're up to 35-38k, for a little more bass, and control.

A Pro mixer in a stereo system? Is that what you're suggesting?


Everyone keeps saying DBA, He states NO SUBS.

I bet this is a VERY nice room. 

I would use something quietly hidden, with lots of goodies for bass management...300.00 USD tops, daisy chainable, laptop for TOTAL access, parametric and graphic EQ,  threshold limit, timing correction, phase correction, L/R channel summation or MIC data collection/measurments, for real time on the fly remote correction.

Choose good amps. I like class ds doing bass, just makes good $$ sense.. Plug in, have fun...

I've used OXO for bass management 20+ years..
Nothing gets close with my frugal budget..

It's not the Gatling gun, DBA approach.  Much less floor space is being used, or covered in boxes... OPs decor, may not tolerate DBA, not to mention, partners, and or guest..

You don't even have them in your room yet, so you don't even know how they will perform.

I'm surprised getting them setup in their best location first isn't mentioned.
I hope you can get them out in the room, along with appropriate room consderations. THEN, consider all those other suggestions.

I've heard them perform fine with modest tube amps. Add subs...WOW!
I have a superb alternative for you (Frankly, it's showing itself to be potentially a superior solution for all speaker systems). Send message if you wish to have pertinent discussion. :)

1,437 posts
06-18-2020 12:08pm
You don't even have them in your room yet, so you don't even know how they will perform.

I think he has, that's the reason for the biamp, unless I missed something.

He has the speakers, but only a single amp per channel, he want two for more boom boom, in the room room... BUT he wants no subs...

30k budget... 3k aught to do it. He may be picky,and likes Pass, nothing wrong with that.
