Ever feel like a "low dollar" customer that your dealer doesn't think worth their time?

I'm a careful researcher for audio gear and I also understand the value of brick and mortar stores. I am not OCD and I am not an irascible haggler. Indeed, I have told my local stores that if they carry something I like, I will buy from them and not try to find it cheaper on the net. I have purchased major pieces of gear from them.

Nevertheless, one local shop is erratic in how it treats me. Emails can take a long time to get acknowledged, and often exchanges take several back-and-forths to get clear questions answered. This shop sells gear at my price point and up to 10x more (think Wilson speakers, $7k power cords). I often feel I'm more like a fly buzzing around their heads than a valued customer trying to establish a customer-dealer relationship. I am trying to be loyal, but it makes me want to shop online. I could be reading the situation wrong, but this is definitely a pattern.

Has anyone else had the sense that they were too much of a "low dollar" customer to be worth the dealer's time?
Johnny R and I got off the phone earlier, we talked music, time alignment, a jazz instructor at Julluard, a trade he took in long ago, and got around to retube of my ARC - he recommends a path where he makes ZERO $$$$$$$


and you know what ? There’s a rare D2D headed his way

all about relationships 
@minorl  yes, sadly race can matter. I also enjoyed Stereo Design and was also treated fairly and well. I get the run of Stereo Unlimited, much as you did - I enjoy that level of relationship, IF we get thru this COVID junk and you get to Carlsbad stop by for some music and fellowship 

Instead of projecting or guessing how they feel ... best move is to make an appointment with a manager, or ask for the mgr in store on a slow day.
Let them know your ethical compass and your feelings and see how they respond.
A third world problem...there are no Hi-Fi stores in the country I live in. I buy and ship. That has interesting ramifications for developing relationships too. Misunderstanding is easily come buy. Frustration and delay is normal. Then we can talk about shipping...no.
Minorl... So after hearing several people here complain about rude dismissive sales people because as many pointed out they think we can’t afford the gear in the store (see the guy in the suit when they found out it wasn’t his Ferrari) you are telling us, you were dismissed by sales people not because they didn’t think you had the money to buy the gear in their store but because of your race?
God help us. I really hope this is not where this forum is going. I really like the discussions here and hope the conversation stays on Audio.
After all for any business to survive the only color they need to focus on is GREEN.