Hilde- I travel the world, wine, shotguns, cars, audio, guitars.. boats... it is all the same. spend your $ only at places of mutual respect. Never judge a book by its cover, but also don’t put up w abusive a holes. You have been pointed to two very excellent dealers about as far apart as you can get in the conus: Johnny R in NJ and Bob and Victor at Advanced ( by the way the owner is Definitive now... funny how it’s the people, or in this case perhaps Definitive in Seattle suffer no egotistical fools ? )... check them both out !!! Many other great dealers out there 2
and to the dude rebuilding the MC275 and the Delphi - good on ya, those are legendary building block esoteric components that can mix it up way way above the weight class !!!!
finally, of course Andy at Vintage tube is awesome
and to the dude rebuilding the MC275 and the Delphi - good on ya, those are legendary building block esoteric components that can mix it up way way above the weight class !!!!
finally, of course Andy at Vintage tube is awesome