Sub $1k Power Conditioners? Any Assistance Appreciated...

Hey guys,

I’m not new to the hobby but am getting back in after a decade or so hiatus. Two channel guy looking for a sub $1k power conditioner for my system. Have used multiple PS products in the past and loved them but their offerings today are too rich for my blood at the moment.

I’m seeing a lot of positive reviews on the AQ Niagara line and the 1200 falls into my fiduciary wheelhouse. It seems to me there’s much more movement these days towards plugging the amp directly into the wall vs any sort of power conditioner except the top of the line units, presumably to avoid limiting current. I’m using, at the moment, a Krell S-300i integrated and would prefer the peace of mind of surge protection.

I’ve always liked the component style aesthetic but, of course, performance and value first. Any recommendations aside from the Niagara or is that where I should be looking? I’m not at all adverse to buying used.

Hey @erik_squires 

I have asked a question above about the Dual zone approach on your blog. It is a sincere question because I  don't know. Power conditioning is my next step in my system/.  Can you please elaborate? Thanks
Furman Elite 15 - multiple sets of banks. I think it lists for $8XX. I got mine used for like $400. Rock solid. Get one used without stratches on it and save yourself some $$. All you need is about a $100-$
130 power cord with it and you're in business.
Forgot to mention - before I got the conditioner, I had a very slight buzz coming from my speakers when nothing was playing and the volume was a little higher than normal. Furman got rid of it - that was my original reason for the purchase. It has shut off when the power has gone out (obviously). Not sure about lightning strikes, but something did go in my amp when there was an electrical storm (I wasn't home so don't know if there was a direct strike). I didn't notice any sound difference in my system, but my ears are not as good/sensitive as some of the contributors I am sure.
Sorry @artemus_5

I sent my reply to the OP and didn’t tag you. I replied on 06-17-2020 2:18pm

The issue with a lot of inexpensive strips (including Furman) is they have 1 set of filters. So:

Wall power = D------ < Filter > ----- (outputs)

The problem is that the output can be polluted by other noise generating devices. That is, on the same strip you may have a linear amp, and a switching wall-wart type power supply. That filter only cleans up power from the wall, not from other devices placed after it.

More advanced power conditioners will offer multiple filter banks, to help reduce this problem.

Does this help??

Is it better .... honestly depends on a lot of things. I mean, yes, you could test it and prove it’s better, but would you hear it?? That’s another story. :)