audio mirror dac

How good is this thing? How can I hear one before buying?
Audphile you're correct. I did try other DACs, including the Bel Canto DAC1 (which lead me to seek out an audition of the DAC2 figuring Bel Canto couldn't make another lemon like the DAC1), in my system and compared them to the Audio Mirror, but after hearing the Bel Canto DAC2 in the show room I knew it wasn't worth my time to hear it in my system. Like the DAC1 it was not to my liking.

Now that I have had my Audio Mirror modded by TRL I don't think there are that many other DACs that can touch it. I have had 3 people come by my house with their equipment to hear for themselves and compare. Each one was amazed and one bought my spare Audio Mirror on the spot.

I imagine you must own a Bel Canto DAC2. If so, you should by a D1 and compare for yourself and report back to us. I'm sure Vlad will give you a trial. If not you will have no problem selling it here. They get snapped up real quick.
Clio, Vlad has 5 days trial. This is not enough for this thing. But, I will check it friend bought the new D2. I'll let you know how it compares to my Bel Canto Dac2 in the week or so.
Clio I don't want to rain on your parade here, but...... there is striking similarity between Audio Mirror dac and the $135.00(including shipping) Hong-Kong DIY kit DAC-AH. If you open your dac up, you will see that the only thing different from Audio Mirror is the absence of Audience auricaps capacitors in the DIY dac. Also, there is a cosmetic difference where Vlad plates the cover gold and the DIY dac is simply black. He also has some cones as feet and the DIY does not. But, the most improtant thing is, I listened to my friends stereo with this Audio Mirror dac and I'll be honest - THIS THING SOUNDS GOOD!!!!
Here is a link to some pics of that DIY dac:

And, the other interesting thing is that referenceaudiomods states that the Audio Mirror and DAC-AH sound the same aftere their mods.....hmmmmm.....
Audphile1 - negotiate with him. 5 days is a joke. I personally like Vlad but a marketing genius he is not. I would be interested in your observations, considering you will be comparing the new non-os D2 to an upsampling DAC2.

BTW - I have not heard the D2 and don't know what if any improvement there are in the upgrades.
Audphile - You're not raining on my parade. The similarity is where it begins and ends (I have a Lite DAC and actually took it apart because I am having a custom case made for the Audio Mirror and needed a model to work from). The topic has been beaten to death. You yourself now know how good the Audio Mirror sounds. If after listening to it in your own system you decide it is something you want to keep, but still want to get the very best out of it, then you will want to send it to TRL for their modifications ($550). I'm not knocking RAM, but from what I see they are doing to the DAC they are not addressing areas of improvement that will get the most out of the Audio Mirror. Read my review here on Audiogon and if you have any questions email me.