Clio I don't want to rain on your parade here, but...... there is striking similarity between Audio Mirror dac and the $135.00(including shipping) Hong-Kong DIY kit DAC-AH. If you open your dac up, you will see that the only thing different from Audio Mirror is the absence of Audience auricaps capacitors in the DIY dac. Also, there is a cosmetic difference where Vlad plates the cover gold and the DIY dac is simply black. He also has some cones as feet and the DIY does not. But, the most improtant thing is, I listened to my friends stereo with this Audio Mirror dac and I'll be honest - THIS THING SOUNDS GOOD!!!!
Here is a link to some pics of that DIY dac:
And, the other interesting thing is that referenceaudiomods states that the Audio Mirror and DAC-AH sound the same aftere their mods.....hmmmmm.....