Rush Permanent Waves 40th Anniversary

I bought this one with much anticipation, the 3-LP set of it, and can only say that I'm pretty disappointed with the SQ.  
I don't own any other versions of this recording, but I did own the original back in the 80's and always thought it sounded great.  I was really looking forward to hearing a remastered version on high quality vinyl.  I bought Farewell to Kings 40th and it sounds great.  I wonder what went wrong with this one?
Interesting, I think it sounds great. Particularly the live stuff... I suppose, to each their own?
I gave my copy a spin, after reading this thread. 

A discog reference and matrix check indicates I have a SRM1-4001 1980 press, but with the several variants, my copy doesn't jive with those listed.

My copy is very good. Quiet and punchy. Not having a reissue to compare, based on my previous experiences I'm not missing anything.

I like the less talked about Caress of Steel more.
I will give mine another spin to see if maybe my mood affected my impressions of this.  It's possible I got a bad copy.  It doesn't sound terrible FWIW, just not as spectacular as it should IMO.


Reissue R&R in particular, has always been a fail to my ears. Since it's truly subjective like everything audiophool, I say whatever suits the ears, and is kind to the wallet.

I resort to a reissue buy only if it's unobtanium e.g.,  mono Beatles Sgt. Peppers or a Jazz classic.

Being a period press snob probably tilts my opinion on what's "best".
I just know "The Spirit of Radio" is  a difficult listen at low volume. Neil Peart's drums should be compressing your chest at proper level.
I played it again last night and enjoyed it much more than the first listen.
I can't explain the difference.  A combination of mood, electrical noise, groove break in?  Not sure, but it sounds a lot better to me now.  Turning it up loud could have helped as well.