Vintage Mitsubishi / MGA Separates question

I am curious to know why there is so little love for Mitsubishi / M G A  on this  audio forum.
 I have :
Pre-amp model # DAP 600 
 TUNER model #  DAF 600
CASSETTE DECK model #  DT 4550
These sound surprisingly good.....Does anyone own these models ?
Opinions  please.

The store I worked at (Audiocom) didn't carry the lower-tier MGA line, but it could be ordered from the importer.
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Mitsubishi/Diatone in the late '70s never caught on with American audiophiles. Who preferred to buy American products - unlike today! I myself bought a Son of Ampzilla for $430 - a bit less than the Mitsubishi amps.
Japanese gear in the late '70s was considered by American audiophiles to be not as good or desirable as American or British. Mitsubishi had a tough time with the US high-end market. And the MGA brand didn't do much better! Competition was stiff with the well-establishrd Jap companies like Pioneer, Technics, Yamaha, Marantz ...

Yes, as I recall, I had the whole package, including the tuner. I even bought the matching system rack, where it looked pretty cool. I remember showing it one way, then the other, as my mood dictated. Sony cassette deck and Sony TT with that linear motor tracking arm on it, along with a Shure V-15 Type four cartridge, and my first pair of Tannoys, 12" MG's in poorly made DIY cabinets. Thought I was in hog heaven.