XLR Interconnects

Been using the same pair of old AudioQuest rubber-encased XLR cables between pre and power amps since the late 1980s with good results -- compared to nothing. Components have come and gone, but the AQs have remained the one constant. Then Morrow's recent Reopening Sale discounts gave me an excuse to experiment with a more contemporary design. Just made the switch and I know the Morrow burn-in can be prolonged. Plan to set FM tuner overnights to "white noise" rather than BBC human voice signal to speed the process.

Question: to what degree do you believe balanced interconnect designs have improved over the past 30-40 years? And, price range being the same (adjusted for inflation), would you expect the current lean, lightweight Morrows to outperform the old, heavy-duty AudioQuest design? Morrow says they will, but what do you cable experts out there (please state whether you are or aren't bosom buddies with Mike) think about it?
I am not technically inclined on these details so I am just going on recommendations and verifying for myself.

Another recommendation made by a component designer on these forums, @atmasphere, was to look for components that support the AES48 XLR standard to reduce the effects of XLR cables on sound. That is any decent XLR would do. The Benchmarks do support this standard (I asked them)
Most important is to have all components DIFFERENTIALLY/TRUE BALANCED. If not, it's a crap shoot.

Lots of manufacturers offer XLR I/Os but the component itself is NOT TRUE BALANCED
Thanks for the reminder as to true balanced as opposed to simply having XLR inputs.. I didn't know about that back when first using balanced cable. At that time I had a pretty long run and audio shop so advised. Here in these forums I have learned that it's not so simple.In fact, I doubt that my current Parasound brute is true balanced.