Streaming: WiFi or wired??

Looking to get a new streamer for a system based on Kii Three. WiFi signal is good but I’m also told that wired is always better. Specific streamer advice also welcomed; (no need to rip CD's). Thx in advance for any/all advice!
it makes no sense to run ethernet cable in your home that is rated higher than the cable used for your incoming service."

Wish I'd thought of this obvious fact before buying a fancy ethernet cable. Oh, well. Surely it's doing no harm (?)
Hopefully one day your service will catch up.I'm  100% in favour of wired.No chance of interruption with other signals. The cable lifters are a nice touch though.
Not every wi fi component is a snap to get on the WiFi system...with wired you don’t have that issue.  I also think a wired connection is less prone to dropouts when you have competing WiFi devices , like refrigerators, etc. gobbling up the available bandwidth.
I initially used WiFi.  When I ran a hard wire, the sound was a bit stronger.
If you can always go wired. It is just the way wireless works that makes it inferior. Main point is that wireless data transfer drops off as the distance from the router increases. Wireless is also susceptible to all the other electrical signals in the building. Take a Bluetooth connected device as soon as I turn on my microwave the connection drops. If you are playing a high res file and don’t want any compression go wired. For my player I just use my MacBook Pro into a usb decraper Into an external dac. It works great, qobuz sounds amazing with my setup. Yes my MacBook is cat7 connected.