DCM TF-400 info wanted

I just picked a set of these up from our local CL. Guy said he was the original owner and they appear to be in excellent condition, although I haven't had a chance to hook them up yet.

I remember hearing about these years ago, but have very little knowledge of the speakers so I wanted to see if any of you are familiar with these and if so, I'd appreciate any info you can provide, i.e. when they were made, good equipment matches, etc. In general just wanting to find out what I can about the speakers.

Thanks Tonyjack. Good to know mine are normal. Kind of figured they were since they sound so good and image so well. There is something very nice about these speakers. Kind of like they have a little of the Maggie sound to them. I'm looking for some nice electronics to put with them.

Thanks so much for the help. I really appreciate it.
Yes, the Maggie ref is accurate. I'm kind of drawn to that sort of sound as well. I have the Maggie 1.6 and the Vandersteen 3A Sigs in other systems (I'm really strung out on this hobby) and the non fatiguing musical presentation is what I respond to. I do think the Maggies and Vandy's give me plenty of detail and accuracy contrary to what some people have said. The Vandersteens are much more difficult to get "right" at least for me. But now I think I have them figured out.
I've used the DCM's with some different power including a Hafler TA 1600, Fisher 201 receiver and now the TACT 2150 in my bedroom. They sing with all of them. Enjoy the Timeframe TF 400's. Really nice little speakers.
I've got the TF-600 and for me the soundstage is best with zero toe-in or very little. I keep 'em 2 ft from the rear wall and away from the side walls also.
A 15 wpc Pioneer or H-K receiver from the early 70's will drive them very well, and they are quite happy with Marantz mono-blocks as well. Enjoy them!