Avantgarde Uno's Or Klipsch La Scala MKII

Has anyone had the oppertunity to compare Uno's to the newer La Scala MKII's with good associated gear and set up properly? Is the Klipsch even comparable with modified cross overs & after market drivers?
I don't have any direct experience but the Klipsch LaScalas are limited on both ends of the spectrum. But the Unos are quite a bit more money. The Unos I heard did not sound like my Klipsch, a totally different type of sound. I would try to listen to some Unos and see if you like them.
Unos are a full-range speaker (as well they should be) and even more sensitive than Klipsch.
To be honest after owning many Klipsch models inc the best year LaScalas. I do wonder why folk think there good sounding. For only the K Horn is worth while. Go for the Uno. If you insist on Klipsch buy a k horn. Of course YMMV
To be honest after owning many Klipsch models inc the best year LaScalas. I do wonder why folk think there good sounding.

I imagine that you are in the vast minority of La Scala owners. But different strokes...
La Scalas where designed for sound reinforcement. I find many EV Altecs JBL to be far better performing and usually far less in cost. Buying a new La Scalas crazy too me for the best models where built in the 60s. A model 19 Altec will trounce a La Scala. As will most Altec models. Having owned modified collected and designed loudspeakers for decades I feel my opinion is well grounded by real experience I have owned these loudspeakers if that matters.