Best digital cable to audition?

Hi everyone. I am looking to audition some of the best digital cables out there and would like some recommendations. I've heard Transparent and thought very highly of it. Does anyone have other recommendations?

My current gear is the following...
Ayre V-3 amp
Krell Showcase Pre/Pro
Vandersteen 2Ce Signatures and VCC-1 Center Channel
Cardas Golden Cross I/C and Digital Lightning 15
Alpha Core MI 2 Speaker Cable
Sorry to be so slow in responding, the Scott Nixon DAC is a substantial improvement over the stock Sony 9000es, which probably comes as no surprise to anyone here.

The Scott Nixon may require additional break in as it seems to improve with each additional hour. I suspect changes are due to the outboard (toroidal) power supply and internal caps but perhaps the DAC chip as well. The tube supplied with the Nixon is basic and I have yet to try a NOS in it's place to see what that does.

Right now it's running with the cheap Blue Jeans digital cable from the Sony and Purist Venustas (Nixon analog outs) to my Aesthetix Callisto.

Very nice digital, particularly considering it's $575.00 price tag. It performs as well as some $10K players I've had in my system, so I will probably keep it.

I will try a shoot out between the Blue Jeans digital and Purist digital in the next week or so, but I'm inclined to stay with the Blue Jeans if for no other reason than matching investment with the rest of my digital.

If I could justify an Audio Note or other cool DAC, that would be a different matter.
I also recently auditioned the Synergistic Designers' Reference and Absolute Reference digital cables. I felt that both were better than the Marigo 5.6 on my system. They both provided a better soundstage and more air. The Absolute Reference was quite a bit better than the Designers' Reference. It it one of the best digital cables I have heard, but at a price tag of $2,000 it better be.
Stealth Varidig Sextet!! No other digital cable achieves the musical reality as the Sextet does.
"Stealth Varidig Sextet!! No other digital cable achieves the musical reality as the Sextet does."

Kuzibri - Does your your transport and dac have transformers on the digital outputs/inputs? If so, do you know what brand they're using?
Kuzibri, I would agree to a great extent with your praise of the Varidig Sextet, I would just word it as the most musical/organic cable I have auditioned so far. I just posted a review on the Sextet last week here on the GON stating that I believe it really offers a qualitative shift towards analog ease and musicality compared to any other digital cable I have ever heard. I just don't like to call any piece the "BEST" in the world because their are many different flavors along with personnal taste and system synergy. However, anyone looking to audition a reference level digital cable, and doesnot include the Sextet in their audition process is making a big mistake, I believe in both our opinions.