Best digital cable to audition?

Hi everyone. I am looking to audition some of the best digital cables out there and would like some recommendations. I've heard Transparent and thought very highly of it. Does anyone have other recommendations?

My current gear is the following...
Ayre V-3 amp
Krell Showcase Pre/Pro
Vandersteen 2Ce Signatures and VCC-1 Center Channel
Cardas Golden Cross I/C and Digital Lightning 15
Alpha Core MI 2 Speaker Cable
Kmiller5- surprised a AES/EBU Stealth Varidig Sextet outperformed a ST Glass connection. In what way(s) is it better than the fiber cable?
First off, let me emphasize that this is my opinion in the context of my system. However there is no rule stating that AT&T optical cable is superior to any other type of digital interconnect. That being said, I did expect the Optimism V2 to perform better than it did simply because Wadias are optimised for AT&T (according to their literature). I found the AT&T datalink to be overly analytical, almost clinical and lifeless. To me these qualities added up to a un-natural presentation that was difficult to listen to. As I mentioned before though, the Optimism V2 is outstanding in the clocklink role.
The Marigo is a very fine cable but the Stealth improved on EVERY aspect of its performance. My discription of the Stealth is that its like a much better version of the Marigo. I think it's safe to say that if you like the Marigo you will like the Stealth even more.
There is the price difference to consider of course. I believe the Apparitions MSRP is $925 while the Varidig will list in the area of $3400(?). That's a significant price difference. Only an audition will determine if this is the right cable for you.
PS: The Marigo is extremely stiff and can be somewhat difficult to work with while the Stealth is much more flexible.
I upgraded to the Synergistic Research Absolute Reference digital cable. It is a drastic improvement over the Marigo 5.6. The soundstage, bass, and aire are much improved. I am very impressed by the Synergistic line and am switching to all of their cables. The more of their cables I run in my system the closer it gets to where I want it. I have yet to hear the Stealth, but it's a little out of my price range to be honest. I am just a poor grad student at this point.
Has anyone heard the Kubala-Sosna or Pranawire digital cables? If so, how did they compare to others you've heard?