Why don’t you call Ayre? They really do have great customer service! I mean, they’ll either tell you how to reset the Codex or, worst case, tell you it needs service. Are you on the other side of the world and the time change doesn’t work for you?
I briefly heard a Codex maybe four years ago but haven’t directly compared it with a QB-9. I think Ayre would tell you the Codex and QB-9 DSD each have their strengths and are overall equal, more or less. The QB-9 Twenty, however, is a clear level above the DSD version.
I briefly heard a Codex maybe four years ago but haven’t directly compared it with a QB-9. I think Ayre would tell you the Codex and QB-9 DSD each have their strengths and are overall equal, more or less. The QB-9 Twenty, however, is a clear level above the DSD version.