Your vote for greatest (covers) album

Mine is Annie Lennox "Nostalgia". Not only is she one of the greatest female voices ever, she knows how to make a song her own. 

Talking Heads - More Songs About Buildings and Food.

Not necessarily my favorite (not sure that is possible) but it ranks up there with the best.
George Gobel's cover of "He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother" should be @ the top of "any" list.

Aside from that I would go with the CB Junkies and Phrank (sp).

Maybe I misunderstood the OP?
Thought it was your favorite greatest covers ALBUM??
Sgt Peppers - the whole concept of the album was terrific 
Revolver - fantastic art work
London Calling - signifies rock n roll
Boston S/T - half the people I talk to don't realize that it's a guitar and the essence of their music