Does high end system with dedicated circuits need grounding products


I believe a high end system even with dedicated circuits benefits from improved cabling and fuses.

I am wondering though if most people here feel.additional benefit from after market grounding product like Synergistic Research active grounding block se.

I like SR products so if you feel its snake oil please start your own thread.

I am interested in those that have experiences in their own system with after market grounding products like SR or others especially in a high end system.

I get if no dedicated circuit or if use inn room where TV or computer but if dedicated and no pc in room nor TV with high end equipment bit skeptical the grounding aspect would make much difference though I get the SR active grounding products contain other features. 
i think when we relate dedicated circuits to grounding we cause confusion, at least in the title to the thread. you do go on to discuss Synergistic Research grounding products.

dedicated circuits are mostly related to safety issues related to the A/C Power Grid grounding according to local electrical codes.

Synergistic Research products are peripherally related to the A/C Power Grid but more dealing with chassis grounding and performance.

there are lots of system performance issues related to the Power Grid and it’s ground scheme. in my system i have a separate building away from my house where my system is; i use two separate electrical panels for this building; one standard for dirty power such as lights, HVAC and normal items. then another panel, an Equi=tech 10WQ wall panel system which is a 10kva Balanced Isolation Transformer with it’s own dedicated ground rod. this panel feeds 10 dedicated circuits for my 2 channel system. certainly i do this for performance purposes.

OTOH i also use Tripoint and Entreq grounding boxes in my system which are not really power grid products, they are more like the Synergistic Research products you speak about. and they focus on chassis and signal path grounding, not the power grid.

do i ’need’ those extra products? no. how much do they have to do with dedicated lines? not much.

so really, dedicated lines have little directly to do with whether you use those extra grounding tweak products. you could use those without dedicated lines, although most systems applying those grounding tweaks likely have dedicated lines......since most serious systems do dedicated lines early on as it's a good ROI thing to improve power grid performance......low hanging fruit.
I have cryogenically treated and TC coated 4 ga wire bring 240V to a step down, then 120V to my conditioner. So the system is transformer isolated, with its own earth ground connected to a grounding block on the conditioner. 

The Synergistic Research Atmosphere Level III interconnect comes with grounding clips. The included grounding plug is nothing more than a good quality three prong plug with just the 2 grounding wires connected to the ground pin. So I removed the plug and connected the wires direct to my grounding block. Talking with the Cable Co back when I was buying the IC they said that's all the fancy SR block is, a very attractive looking bolt and nut job, no special sauce or circuits.

So I don't know for comparing but no reason to think what I have is any better or worse than the SR grounding block.

Which is.... a small but noticeable lowering of the noise floor, a little more delicacy and a little less grain. But not much. Worth plugging in if you have it. Not worth what they want for the box. Although for that kind of money its hard to believe they wouldn't put a dab or two of the stuff they paste on fuses and outlets that makes them so much better. If they do, and it makes the grounding block quite a bit better, it just might be worth it.

Active may be quite a bit different. Would love to try one, if I didn't have so many more things on the list of things to try.
+1 to Mike’s excellent answer and description of what a solid and beneficial system tweak/enhancement can be had from employing these system upgrades. IMO, the first step would be dedicated lines and judicial listening. If more improvements are thought to be warranted then you should explore similar products to those you have already listed. Just make sure to listen and measure at each step to determine if the added pieces move you in the right direction to achieve your end goal. Test and measurements rules the day. Some of the reported improvements will always be system dependent and some are cleverly disguised “film-flam” (a highly technical term 🤔).  YMMV.
I have the SR active ground block with the better ground wires and orange fuse.  I also have the 12-outlet power conditioner UEF-SE and a black outlet. I have a dedicated 8 GA wire line. Like Tom said, your mileage may vary. In terms of improvement, the conditioner has the better ROI, followed by the dedicated line. Cannot say much about the orange fuse in it as I have not tried swapping it. The active ground block is the least as far as return on investment is concerned. This is in my system, might be different in another one. Hope that helps. 
I just installed the Nordost QX4 and QBase 8 and am very happy with it. It made a noticeable improvement in my sound