Vinyl / High qual analog tape / High-res digital -- One of these is not like the other

One common theme I read on forums here and elsewhere is the view by many that there is a pecking order in quality:

Top - High Quality Analog TapeNext - VinylBottom - Digital

I will go out on a limb and say that most, probably approaching almost all those making the claim have never heard a really good analog tape machine and high resolution digital side by side, and have certainly never heard what comes out the other end when it goes to vinyl, i.e. heard the tape/file that went to the cutter, then compared that to the resultant record?

High quality analog tape and high quality digital sound very similar. Add a bit of hiss (noise) to digital, and it would be very difficult to tell which is which. It is not digital, especially high resolution digital that is the outlier, it is vinyl. It is different from the other two.  Perhaps if more people actually experienced this, they would have a different approach to analog/vinyl?

This post has nothing to do with personal taste. If you prefer vinyl, then stick with it and enjoy it. There are reasons why the analog processing that occurs in the vinyl "process" can result in a sound that pleases someone. However, knowledge is good, and if you are set in your ways, you may be preventing the next leap.
Try to replicate anything that looks like a square wave on vinyl, especially at anything close to high amplitude... it's not pretty. Music isn't square waves, but that gives an idea of bandwidth/timing/phase accuracy. There is far more "information" in a high-res digital recording than is possible on vinyl. One could make an argument for increased bandwidth in vinyl vs. CD, but one you go high-res or at least high sample rate with appropriate bandwidth, i.e. 24/96 or 24/192, that does away.

play this all analog record on a very high quality turntable......

.......then provide a link to a digital recording that can do an acoustic piano or horn in a similar good or better.

then let’s talk.

or come on over and bring the digital file of your choice (or point me to one i can acquire) and we can listen together. btw; i do this often for others who have your perspective.

i keep trying to listen to a square wave and it won’t play. damn.
Some may prefer vinyl but it can’t hold the information that a digital file can it’s impossible. If a square wave won’t play then something is wrong.  No such thing as " all analog".
In this debate there is so much factors implicated that it is impossible to solve the question for me once and for all, except theoretically with all the engineering facts about the higher noise level all along the chain in the analog processing or by listening analog and hearing his alleged superiority on a very refine Hi-Fi system....

In a word, i value all the very interesting informations in the last post of rauliruegas and if i think about it i think that he is right....BUT i trust the impressions of mikelavigne, the testimonies of his friends, and his long time dedication on his very refined audio system.... THEN....

I cannot have my own opinion at all.....I can only give their right to these 2 gentlemen and to each his own....

Interesting thread for sure..... My regards to all....
Certainly a CD player that’s on an isolation stand will outperform one that’s not. Same for a turntable. Can we at least start there? Yes, I know what some of you are thinking - streaming circumvents the CD player! But streaming has even more variables itself, judging by people’s comments, sometimes it sounds good, sometimes it doesn’t. Even in the case of streaming, isolating the DAC must improve performance, no?

How can you have a competition unless there’s a level playing field? Hel-loo! As I have mentioned at least twice on these fora disengaging the Reed Solomon error codes on the CD transport can be successfully done IF the problems inherent in CD transports can be significantly reduced or eliminated. Then it’s a whole new ballgame, folks. I’m not hot dogging you. 🌭 I have heard the future. That’s because I’m from the future.

Good luck to everybody. - Bob Dylan