Best amp for kappa 8.1

Acurus a-250 or Aragon 2004?

I looked up the specs on the amps you mentioned..

I don't think you'll be happy. They both have pretty good specs.

BUT. It use to take something like Krells, Mark L, Pass Lab, Ampzilla, Adcom 565s, modded, 5800.

I also saw, a guy go threw 2 pairs of Gen 1 Emotiva. Denied the warranty on the second pair. LOL chewed them up and spit them out with Kappa 9.0. 10-12 years ago.. I tried to tell him... XLR? I think, you could run mono, and get 1000 watts or so..

With good (right) amps, those speakers will surprise you...

     I agree with oldhvymec, a good class D would run them perfect.  Either of these pairs of D-Sonic monoblocks would be a good choice and work well:

Plenty of power, reasonably priced, excellent sound quality, stable down to 1 ohm and free in-home trial periods.

Best wishes,
The min impedance on the 8.1s was 1.7ohms.  Not as bad as the 9s.    I had those speakers and blew a lot of fuses.  
Thanks for input.
I'm a little old school but have heard some surprisingly full sounding class d amps.  I'll update just wanted some input.   Might happen across a deal on larger Aragon.  Trying to move past previous good match with luxman m117 and original kappa 8 years ago.
While still beyond that price range, I think one of the few contenders and perhaps the least expensive of them: some Krell’s. Try and find an appropriate one that has been properly recapped. If not, it might need it soon. Can be rather expensive, as can the shipping costs.